4 Benefits of a Home Air Purifier in Brighton, IL

Your home in Brighton, IL, might have airborne substances that aggravate certain illnesses, so installing a home air purifier can reduce the risk involved with air pollutants. Here are some health benefits associated with home air purifiers.

Seasonal Allergy Control

Air purifiers help eradicate allergens such as pollen, dust and pet dander that can cause allergic reactions. This plays a vital role in assisting family members who suffer from seasonal allergies. With an air purifier, you can offer a clean and safe environment free from allergens.

Trapping Tobacco Smoke

Passive smoking is still dangerous compared to active smoking, especially for undeveloped lungs. Passive smoking can lead to pneumonia, asthma, heart disease and even bronchitis. For elderly relatives, it can result in treacherous heart conditions such as emphysema.

Using air purifiers with your HVAC system can minimize this risk by filtering the tobacco smoke from the air. If you want to reduce the risk further, you may choose to invest in a HEPA filter air purifier, activated carbon air purifier or ionizer air purifier.

Eliminating Radon Gases

Inhaling certain gases such as radon can result in the development of lung cancer. This gas comes from a natural combination of rock, soil and water, putting everyone at risk of getting contaminated. Annually, radon gas contributes to 15,000 to 25,000 lung cancer deaths.

Having an air purifier can help eradicate radon gas from your home. In turn, this can help protect you and your family from the development of lung cancer.

Cleaner Air

The primary benefit of an air purifier is to improve your indoor air quality by eliminating air pollutants. These pollutants include pollen, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, fumes and dander. Having an air purifier means the body doesn’t have to work as hard to eliminate toxins, thus reducing cortisol levels and playing a role in reducing stress.

Call Den-son Inc. Cooling & Heating today to learn more about improving your home’s indoor air quality. We have experienced technicians in Brighton, IL, who will help you install the right air purifier for your needs.

Image provided by iStock

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