4 Startling HVAC Sounds You Should Watch out for

Whether your Jerseyville, Illinois, home’s HVAC system is brand new or reaching the end of its lifespan, it will make some noise when it cycles on and off. Certain HVAC sounds are normal, while others can indicate a potential problem within the unit. Keep an ear out for the following HVAC sounds.


A grinding sound often indicates a problem with the compressor in your air conditioning system. This vital part in the unit allows for the process of heat exchange and moves refrigerant through the lines. When the compressor wears out, the pistons often grind together. A grinding sound can also indicate that the blower fan belt has slipped out of place.


Screeching and squealing noises often happen when a motor bearing or belt has worn out. An HVAC technician may be able to lubricate the belt or motor bearing, although a replacement may be necessary. Luckily, neither of these components are too expensive, so it shouldn’t be a major fix. However, ignoring the sound could lead to a more serious problem, which could result in a more extensive repair.

Hissing or Popping

Popping and hissing sounds are usually related to your ductwork. Popping is normal, indicating that the metal ducts are expanding and contracting to allow the air to pass through them. A hissing sound could mean that the ductwork has a leak, which causes the efficiency of your system to drop and your energy bills to rise.


Banging, clanking, and thumping noises can all indicate trouble in the HVAC system. You could have a problem with the blower assembly in the unit, or one of the components may have slipped out of place and is bumping up against another. No matter what is causing the sound, it’s best to have an HVAC technician take a closer look at the issue.

At Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating, we can determine the cause of strange sounds coming from your HVAC system, so contact us at 618-207-3847.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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