4 Causes of Indoor Air Pollution in Jerseyville, IL

When you spend any significant amount of time in your home, you want to ensure the air you’re breathing is as safe as possible. Several factors can influence its quality. The following are some of the most common causes of indoor air pollution in Jerseyville, IL:

Dirty Air Filters

HVAC air filters trap dust and debris that’s in the air, but when the filters get too clogged, it can lead to problems with the system and the health of the residents. It’s essential to have the air filters changed every three months or less, depending on the recommendation of the HVAC service technician. Discuss possible options with the expert while they’re doing the standard preventative maintenance check on the system.

Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation can negatively impact the air quality in your home by allowing pollutants to build up. However, making simple adjustments can help. Changes, such as opening windows more frequently to let fresh air filter through, can help improve indoor air quality.

Dust and Dirt

Pets in the home, soil that gets tracked indoors and dust from nearby construction sites are only a few causes of dust and dirt buildup in the home. Keep all furniture, bed sheets, blankets, curtains and carpets clean to prevent this issue as much as possible. Using an air purifier to remove allergens and other particles from the home can be beneficial, as can regular dusting and cleaning.


First-hand smoking and secondhand exposure can be detrimental to the health of individuals. It can also significantly diminish indoor air quality. Consider prohibiting smoking inside the home and anywhere near its perimeter.

Committing to making positive changes in your home could have a positive impact on the air you breathe in any room. Contact Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating when you’re looking for indoor air quality products in Jerseyville, IL.

Image provided by iStock

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