4 Considerations When Choosing a New Furnace in Jerseyville, IL

Having the right heating system makes a significant difference for a comfortable home in winter. Here are four things to consider when choosing a new furnace for your home in Jerseyville, IL.

Size of Your Home

When buying a furnace, it’s essential to match it to the size of your home. A furnace that’s too small will need to work too hard to warm your home.

This will lead to inefficiency and an increase in electricity bills. It also damages the appliance, leading to costly heating repairs or premature heater replacement.

A large furnace constantly adjusts the temperature, leading to uneven heating. Also, it strains the thermostat, which may lead to a breakdown.

Fuel Sources

Furnaces run on electricity, gas or oil. Gas is the most popular option due to its availability. It’s also cheaper than the other fuel sources.

Consider the option that suits your needs in terms of cost and efficiency. If you’re unsure which fuel to use, reach out to our HVAC service technicians because they know more about the different fuel options.

Installation Requirement

Furnaces have different features that make every installation unique. You need to involve an experienced service technician since improper installation leads to system inefficiency and the risk of carbon monoxide leakage. Installation requirements include updating the ductwork, particularly when replacing an old furnace.

Maintenance Practices

Frequent servicing and tuneups are essential to keep your heating unit running for an extended period. It’s essential to keep in mind proper maintenance to keep it operating as it should.

Regular tuneups include unblocking the vents and checking and changing the air filters. In addition, your furnace will need professional inspection and servicing annually.

Are you looking to purchase a new furnace to keep your household comfortable throughout the coming winter? Contact us at Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating to schedule a heating system installation. We’re a Trane Comfort Specialist serving Jerseyville, IL, and the surrounding areas, and we service all makes, models and brands.

Image provided by iStock

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