How Furnace Efficiency Is Determined in Brighton, IL

When you’re looking for a new furnace, efficiency becomes a central focus along with size. Everyone recognizes that more efficient furnaces lower heating costs. Discover the details about furnace efficiency ratings and other factors to consider in Brighton, IL.

Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)

AFUE evaluates how much heat from the furnace goes into the system and your home. Every fuel-burning furnace has exhaust, and it’ll lose some of the heat it generates with that exhaust. Electric furnaces don’t have exhaust and won’t lose any heat that way. As a result, they’re the most efficient furnaces you can purchase.

Standard Furnaces

Modern furnaces are mid-efficiency, having a minimum required AFUE of 80%. Standard furnaces will generally offer a range of 80%-89%.

Standard furnaces are single-stage systems, which means the burner and the circulating fan both run on high all the time. These will have 10 to 15-minute heating cycles, usually running two or three cycles per hour.

High-Efficiency Furnaces

High-efficiency furnaces start with an AFUE rating of 90% and go up to over 98%. These furnaces have three primary technological differences compared to standard systems.

First, they have modulating burners, which allow the furnace to run at a lower capacity and burn less fuel. Next, they have variable-speed fans, allowing the fan to run at a lower speed and consume less energy. The highest efficiency furnaces also have a second heat exchanger, allowing the circulating air to absorb more heat.

Efficiency Beyond Ratings

In addition to the AFUE rating, there are other factors with the system and your home that will affect the operational efficiency. These factors include:

  • Your home’s insulation.
  • Condition of the ducts.
  • Air quality.
  • Maintenance history.
  • Needed furnace repairs.

Get assistance finding the right furnace for your home. Call the experts at Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating to schedule a furnace installation consultation today for your Brighton, IL, home.

Image provided by iStock

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