3 Signs You Need Immediate AC Repair in Brighton, IL

The worst time to need air conditioning repairs is when the temperature is warming up outside. Nevertheless, emergencies can happen. If you live in Brighton, IL, you need to be ready to take swift action when they do. Here are three signs that you need an immediate AC repair:

Exploding Cooling Bills

If your cooling bills suddenly explode for no clear reason, it probably means that your air conditioner’s efficiency is collapsing. That, in turn, means that multiple critical parts may be in danger of breaking down.

The underlying damage that causes your utility bills to erupt in this way could put your AC system beyond repair. In that case, the only option is to replace it.

Refrigerant Leak

If your AC system sustains a refrigerant leak, you’ll need to have a professional replace the refrigerant and repair any damage to your refrigerant lines so that they won’t leak again. You can’t afford to wait because, in addition to ruining your AC system’s ability to function, such leaks pose a great danger to your health.

If your AC system never turns off or starts short cycling — turning on and off without completing a cooling cycle — these are two important signs of a refrigerant leak. Other surefire signs include a sweet, ether-like smell or squealing noises. Service technicians can replace refrigerant as part of AC maintenance.

Strange Air Conditioner Noises

When it operates normally, your AC system should produce no more than a slight hum. Noises other than this, especially when they’re loud and continuous, typically indicate trouble.

The sorts of sounds we have in mind may be banging, rumbling, squealing, buzzing or hissing. Each has its own causes, and an HVAC service technician can discern the cause and make the noise stop.

Keep a close eye out for signs like these. If you notice any of them, call Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating to get the best AC repair services in Brighton, IL.

Image provided by iStock

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