Where Should I Install My Thermostat in Alton, IL?

If you want an efficient heating and cooling system in Alton, IL, you’ll need a suitable spot for your thermostat. That’s because the location of your thermostat will determine how often it runs to maintain the living area’s temperature. Read on to find out where you should install your thermostat.

Away From the Doors and Windows

Doors and windows are a common source of heat loss in most households. If you place your thermostat near a doorway or window, it may sense false temperatures when the door or window opens. This results in higher heating and cooling costs since you’ll pay for running your system longer than needed.

To avoid having false alerts set off by doors and windows, it’s best to place your thermostat in an area not perpetually exposed to the elements. This will help you attain the most out of your heating and cooling system while reducing your utility usage.

Away From Heat Sources

The proximity of heaters and other heating appliances to your thermostat will also determine how frequently it’ll switch on to operate. That is because the temperature of the air close to these things also determines your home’s temperature. With the help of an HVAC professional in Alton, IL, we will help you to find the best place to install your thermostat. We will also advise you on what temperature setting you should use for your thermostat.

On Exterior Walls

Placing your thermostat on the exterior wall of your home will lead to poor efficiency when operating your HVAC system. That’s because your thermostat won’t have access to the interior temperature. However, installing a thermostat on a sturdy interior wall will help you attain the correct temperature in your home without wasting energy.

To find out more about air conditioning installations, like where to install a thermostat, call us at Den-Son Inc. Cooling & Heating and schedule an appointment. Our team can assist you with your current heating and cooling system and any upcoming installations, repairs or replacements. And with years of experience in HVAC systems, you can be sure of quality services.

Image provided by iStock

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